Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lucky number 11000..

hello everybody..
whats up?
hows things?
as you can see, i'm blogging again..
this means either 1 of 2 things..
 1. i have something to share to the world or..
 2. i'm taking my exams again and i'm too bored studying..

in this instance, its actually both..
its a sunday afternoon and the weather is too hot..cant concentrate studying..
(i know its a lame excuse but it's good enough in my head to make me stop studying and write this note..)

yesterday i was over at my friends house when something unexpected happened..
i became lucky number 11000..

congratulation NM for the achievement of getting people hooked on random opinionated thoughts on anything and everything..

anyways..better get back to it..

p/s: 30 is the new 23..

- chordwrecker -



one happy face. joining the billions huh?

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