Saturday, April 3, 2010


So..How have you guys been?
its been good for me..nothing much happening..
that explains why there was a gap in posts.. nothing interesting to write about..
i cant  say it's been boring in past week..
everything has been quite mundane but palatable enough to swallow..
so cant really complain bout that..
Ooo..i just remembered..
we're supposed to be able to see Mars with the naked eye starting last week..
maybe i'll try to keep an eye out tonight..
all right folks.. that's it for now..

p/s: told you it was aimless..

- chordwrecker -


H2 said...


AntzMan said...

In your boggling mind of aimlessness there is alot that can be deciphered. Always be careful what you blog for other "so damn free at locum" people like me to comment on.

Allow me to illustrate...

If men are from mars and women are from venus...
Do you still wanna use your NAKED eye to look at it??? The image may be one that will poke your senses silly.

cheers bro

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