Sunday, April 18, 2010


Are you superstitious? if you say you aren't, you're probably lying..really..
have you ever avoided cracks on the roads? ever felt a bit freaked out by a totally black cat? ooo..and the mirror thing.. thats one of the big ones..if any of these struck a bell, then you are might be saying that 'i just avoid those things some of the times..thats ok right?"
he*l no..that just means that you're in bloody denial, (and are a borderline liar) but you are superstitious anyway..
but don't worry..cause i am started the moment i started my first on-call as a doctor..
oh are reading it right..during my first on see, i think that doctors are one of the most superstitious group out there..the believe it the power of 'jona'..
whats jona you ask? jona is the curse some people inheritly have to attract patients during their on call..
in most cases, this power can be stronger than that force crap they talk about in star wars..
as you might have guessed by now, i am jona too..
i somehow attract patients like moth to a burning flame..seriously..
and the sh*t i see during my on calls are just not funny..messed up cases..even my bosses will agree with that..
since that first on-call and over the years of working, i have devised a few things that i think (keyword is think people) might dampen my of them is not to wear dark colours during on calls..that includes your underwear..(some wise-ass is sure to ask that)..and you gotta think happy thoughts and don't let yourself feel agitated..some doctors believe taking a shower before they start their call..i tried that and it didn't work..3 patients died that night when i actually showered so thats off my list..
so you see, i think that no one is immune to superstitions. . i know this jona thing is silly but i still do it default defense mechanism is by saying its better being safe then sorry..regardless of your excuses, you still just live with it..its one of the unexplainable neurosis of life..

1. my wife is jona-er
2. whats your neurosis?
3. welcome to the club 003
4. its been a while since my last with it..ahahaha..

- chordwrecker -

Saturday, April 3, 2010


So..How have you guys been?
its been good for me..nothing much happening..
that explains why there was a gap in posts.. nothing interesting to write about..
i cant  say it's been boring in past week..
everything has been quite mundane but palatable enough to swallow..
so cant really complain bout that..
Ooo..i just remembered..
we're supposed to be able to see Mars with the naked eye starting last week..
maybe i'll try to keep an eye out tonight..
all right folks.. that's it for now..

p/s: told you it was aimless..

- chordwrecker -